- 现在有了这个生物学上的新联系,科学家们可以去追溯语言进化的起源。
- With this new biological link , scientists could potentially trace back the evolutionary origin of speech .
- 中微子天文学的美妙,就在于中微子是电中性的,它们的轨迹是可以回溯到发射源的一条直线。
- The beauty of neutrino astronomy is that , being neutral , the particles trace a straight line back to their point of origin .
- “移除花粉将无法坚持蜂蜜的生物性和地理性来源,并且妨碍追溯和鉴定蜂蜜的实际成分,”欧盟蜂蜜指导委员会说。
- " The removal of pollen will make the determination of botanical and geographic origin of honey impossible and circumvents the ability to trace and identify the actual source of the honey , " says the european union directive on honey .