- 不过英石油当然有权自行衡量他们这桩交易的得失。
- But bp is surely free to weigh the merits of a deal .
- 这很不幸:必须由社会决定法律应如何衡量隐私和创新。
- That is unfortunate : society must decide how the law should weigh privacy against innovation .
- 司法体系是用来衡量被告数量与规模的,这其中的奇事也很普遍。
- So do several quirks of the justice system , which weigh the scales against the accused .
- 这么做是蓄意还是无心的呢?
- Is that deliberate or incidental ?
- 典型的战争罪应该包含蓄意和野蛮的滥杀。
- War crimes typically involve deliberate brutality or recklessness .
- 用委婉语表述“故意盗窃”是一个糟糕的主意。
- Euphemisms for deliberate theft are a bad idea .