- 他们说他在床上连续写了好多年。
- They say he wrote in bed for years on end .
- 他们连续争论了两个小时。
- They argued for two hours on end .
- 连续好几天穿着同一件沾满汗水的军服对她是一种折磨。
- Wearing the same sweat-soaked khakis for days on end was torture .
- 纽约的华尔街40号、克莱斯勒大厦和帝国大厦相继于1929年至1931年的三年中落成,但随之而来的不是新的繁荣,而是空前的大萧条。
- Within three years 40 wall street chrysler building and the empire state building were completed in succession from 1929 to 1931 in new york . However what came along was not the new prosperity but the unprecedented great depression .
- 凯撒本人在罗马政治体系中不断攀升,接连担任过财务官、市政官和裁判官。
- Caesar himself progressed within the roman political system becoming in succession quaestor aedile and praetor .
- 这是该指数连续第5次上升,而且是9个月来首次显示扩张状态。
- This is the fifth gain in succession and the first reading showing an expansion in nine months .