- 我们仿佛是看了一本侦探小说的前半部分。
- We are left with the first half of a detective story .
- kari从照片中抬起头看向侦探那平静的脸。
- Kari looked up from the picture into the detective 's placid face .
- 公司侦探这份工作水深着呢。
- Corporate detective work is anything but elementary .
- 另一项可能影响代理程序行为的因素是其生理状态。
- Another factor that can influence an agent 's behaviour is its physiology .
- 港务局委任其租赁代理对其中风险进行了分析。
- The port authority commissioned its leasing agent to analyse the risk involved .
- 这是生命改变的代理人。
- It is life 's change agent .