- 你从地里挖出来的?
- You dig it up right ?
- 金姆帮助里克挖墓穴。
- Kim helps rick dig the grave .
- 我挖掘出了这个特性。
- I really dig that feature .
- 土拨鼠在一个特别的冬眠洞穴中冬眠度过冬天,它们的呼吸和心跳慢到和蜗牛差不多,体温比冰点稍高一点。
- Groundhogs spend the winter hibernating in a specially dug hibernation burrow , their breathing and heartbeats slowed to a snail 's pace , their body temperatures not too far above freezing .
- 海洋科学家沿着海底拖曳装有摄录机的雪橇,并计算了孔洞数量(维护良好的洞穴是快乐大虾的标志),测量出其蕴藏丰富。
- Marine scientists measure its abundance by dragging a sledge equipped with video cameras along the seabed and counting the number of holes ( a well-maintained burrow being the sign of a happy prawn ) .
- 研究人员因此能够将三只雌性蜣螂放入洞穴使彼此竞争,但要先确保只有一只雌性蜣螂与能生育的雄性蜣螂交配,如此研究人员才能确定洞里所有幼虫都是她的。
- The researchers could thus put three females into a burrow and allow them to compete yet , by ensuring that only one of those females had mated with a fertile male , they could be sure that all the grubs in a burrow were hers .
- 但在希望减肥的人们尽情享受那额外的一勺巧克力糖浆前,研究人员告诫说,这项研究并不能证明常吃巧克力与体重减轻之间存在关联。
- But before people hoping to lose weight indulge in an extra scoop of chocolate fudge swirl , the researchers caution that the study doesn 't prove a link between frequent chocolate munching and weight loss .
- 如果这是大主教的观点,那么我们手中就有一个特大独家新闻了。
- If this opinion came from the pope , then we 'd have a major scoop on our hands .
- 这个独家新闻确实很绝妙:1953年6月2日是伊丽莎白女王的加冕礼的日子。
- Its scoop was indeed a coup : june 2nd was the day of queen elizabeth 's coronation .