- 尽管在当时她的许多同学都辍学结婚,亚当斯却很少和异性出去约会。
- Although many of her classmates dropped out of school to get married , there is little evidence that addams ever dated a member of the opposite sex .
- 海伦将永不会结婚了,她少女时期感情上受到过创伤。
- Helen will never get married ; she got messed up when she was a teen - ager .
- 即便你已八十岁,或是同性恋者,或是激进的女性主义者,或修女,或八十岁的激进女性主义同性恋修女,从未结婚也不打算结婚,最礼貌的回答还是:“还没。”
- Even if you are eighty years old , or a lesbian , or a strident feminist , or a nun , or an eightyyear-old strident feminist lesbian nun who has never been married and never intends to get married , the politest possible answer is still : " not yet . "