- 杂物电梯英文版,杂物电梯中文版,杂物电梯翻译。
- Dumbwaiter lift chinese version , dumbwaiter lift english version , dumbwaiter lift chinese translation .
- 在固定机翼的飞行机上,上升力和前冲力的来源不同,气流提供上升力,螺旋桨或喷气推动器提供前冲力。
- In a fixed-wing flying machine , lift and thrust come from separate sources-wings for lift , and propeller wash or jet efflux for thrust .
- 老汉怒鞭驴曰:你以为你是市政工商税务啊,说掀摊子就掀摊子?
- Old man anger flogs the ass says : you think you are wu of municipal and industrial and commercial duty , say to lift booth to lift booth ?