- 这是现在波兰和捷克共和国正在做的事情。
- That is what poland and the czech republic have done .
- 他是二十世纪80年代为数不多的费心学习捷克语的外国学者之一。
- He was one of a tiny handful of foreign scholars who bothered to learn czech in the 1980s .
- 2008年七月23日发表了他们的报告和捷克的反应。
- It issued its report and the czech response on july 23 , 2008 .
- 最终在1918年,在刚刚竣工的布拉格市政厅里,在那些气势磅礴、表达着爱国热情的壁画之间,捷克斯洛伐克共和国宣布成立。
- Finally , in 1918 , the czechoslovakian republic was proclaimed amid the splendid , patriotic murals of the recently completed obecni dum municipal house .
- 滚石乐队粗硬铿锵的吉他即兴重复给我带来极大的震撼,它们与捷克音乐的圆润完全不同。
- I was hugely impressed by the rough , loud guitar riff , so unlike the mellow sound of czechoslovakian music .
- 男孩和女孩围成一圈,比利.卡普瑞问到:“捷克人堕胎可以怎么说?”
- In a circle of boys and girls billy capri asks , " what do you call a czechoslovakian abortion ? "