- 五年前,工党史无前例地连续第三次胜选。
- Five years ago labour won an unprecedented third consecutive victory .
- 这些誓言确保了她胜选,同时也是不能承受之重。
- These pledges helped secure her victory , but they are unaffordable .
- 那么,为什么说奥巴马的胜选可能会转变为意义重大的事件呢?
- So why might mr obama 's victory turn into something big ?
- 结果取得了巨大的成功。
- The result was a triumph .
- 基督在他的屈辱中得到胜利。
- Christ 's triumph was in his humiliation .
- 但她的胜利很快变成了苦果。
- But her triumph quickly turned sour .
- 虽然一开始你的速度较慢,但到劳动节时,你就会变得相当敏捷了。
- Though you may have started out slow , by labor day you 're pretty nimble .
- 与其它大型银行相比,光大银行当然更为敏捷,但评级机构对其落后的公司治理和风险管理方式心存忧虑。
- Certainly the bank is more nimble than its larger counterparts , but ratings agencies fret about its underdeveloped corporate governance and risk-management practices .
- 当涉及到对有资质专业人员的保留活动时,德国的表现更像一个迟钝的南方人而不像敏捷的北方人。
- When it comes to reserving activities to holders of professional qualifications , germany acts more like a stodgy southerner than a nimble northerner .
- 印度经济似乎不可能快速回升。
- A quick bounce back looks unlikely .
- 一种简便快速的种植术吧。
- A quick and easy display of greenery .
- 不幸的是,没有快速生效的方法。
- Sadly , no quick fix is available .