- 今年三季度福特在欧洲的生意出现亏损。
- Ford slipped into loss in europe in the third quarter .
- 这是该银行40年来首次出现半年度亏损。
- It was the bank 's first half-year loss in four decades .
- bunge上周公布的第二季度营运业绩意外出现亏损。
- Bunge last week posted an unexpected operating loss in the second quarter .
- 他不应浪费这个契机。
- He should not waste it .
- 许多广告都是十足的浪费。
- Much advertising is utter waste .
- 这就是善用浪费的办法。
- This is how to embrace waste .
- 经过多少个年月,通过改进食品的加工技术,延长食品的保存时间,以增加食品的供给的同时防止食品的腐败和增加各种食品的生产。
- Over the years , improved techniques for processing foods have resulted in the expansion of our food supply by prolonging keeping times , preventing spoilage and increasing the variety of food products available .
- 摘要综述了干腌火腿腐败的类型、致腐败微生物的种类、食盐浓度和温度等因素对腐败菌的影响、腐败火腿中挥发性化合物的成分以及防止火腿腐败的措施等方面的研究进展。
- Progresses in the research of putrefactive microorganisms in various kinds of spoiled dry-cured hams were reviewed with respect to microorganisms species , effects of salt concentration and temperature on the microorganisms , composition of volatile compounds in spoiled dry-cured hams , and preventive measures to control these spoilage .
- 不吃腐败变质、不洁食物。
- Spoilage eat , contaminated food .
- 当你变得离群索居、孤立或孤独这就是退化和功能丧失开始的标志。
- Becoming disconnected , isolated or withdrawn can mark the beginning of deterioration and loss of function .
- 然而,今天的丑闻却正是源于这一政治阶层的堕落。
- Today 's scandals , however , originate in the deterioration of this political class .
- 经济恶化的速度不可能无止境的持续下去。
- The pace of economic deterioration cannot persist indefinitely .