- 但心理上的损失已经形成。
- But the psychological damage has been done .
- 损失赔偿费几乎总是数额庞大。
- The damage awards are almost always enormous .
- 我们希望这种损失是可以挽回的。
- We can hope the damage is reparable .
- 我如何能负担那些损失?
- What can I afford to lose ?
- 辛格先生已经没什么可输的了。
- Mr singh has little to lose .
- 欧洲各国不必失去信心。
- Europeans need not lose heart .
- 他们不想伤害我们。
- They mean us no harm .
- 使大家免遭了伤害。
- And saved everybody from harm .
- 什么都不会伤害他们。
- Where nothing can harm them .
- 压力同样可以降低性功能。
- Stress can also decrease sexual function .
- 你们的产量在减少吗?
- Is your production on the decrease ?
- 大麻会降低精子能动性和增加不正常精子的数目。
- Marijuana can decrease sperm motility and increase the number of abnormal sperm .
- 我并不是故意要选择naturenetwork做为反例。
- I don 't mean to pick on nature network .
- 这一切意味着什么?
- What does this all mean ?
- 没有哪家公司的表现能够无限期地超出平均水平。
- No company can outperform the mean indefinitely .
- 但心理上的损失已经形成。
- But the psychological damage has been done .
- 损失赔偿费几乎总是数额庞大。
- The damage awards are almost always enormous .
- 我们希望这种损失是可以挽回的。
- We can hope the damage is reparable .