- 他们的理论认为这个动态结构触发磁场并把强大的电流高高的抛起到日冕中,这些风暴可以产生使cme爆发成熟的条件。
- As the dynamic structures wind-up magnetic fields and drag powerful electric currents high into the corona , these tornadoes could generate the conditions ripe for cme eruptions , they theorise .
- 在信封上,斜向拖动指针,创建通讯地址的文本框。
- On the envelope , drag diagonally to create a text box for the mailing address .
- 我们停车弄刹车时那人跑了没有,傻瓜?
- Did the man run away , dolt , when we stopped for the drag ?
- 等一等,你晚饭吃的是盐渍鱼吗?
- Wait did you have pickled fish for dinner ?
- 现在有些船一年捕鱼仅仅三个月,之后它们的配额仍很富余。
- Some boats now fish for only three months a year after which their quotas are full .
- 这些年医生一直建议人们多吃鱼类,因为它们比起牛肉和猪肉,含有更多的健康脂肪和较少的不健康脂肪。
- Doctors have been advising people to eat more fish for years because they are high in healthy fats and low in unhealthy fats compared to beef and pork .