- 一个给定物种的繁殖期限可能会因此被进化到能符合此物种个体大致预期被意外、捕食或疾病终止存活的时间。
- The reproductive lifespans of members of a given species are probably thus optimised to match the time an individual of that species might expect to survive before being cut down by accident , predation or disease .
- 当产品实行捆绑销售时,揭示掠夺性行为尤为困难。
- Predation is even trickier to uncover when goods are sold together .
- 因此,这是一个野蛮镇压和残酷掠夺的世界。
- This , then , was a world of savage repression and brutal predation .
- 很明显,它们捕食的夜行昆虫总得以某种方法找到路。
- Obviously the night-flying insects that they prey on must find their way about somehow .
- 研究表明,在钻探设备附近的废弃物吸引了鸥来捕食其他物种。
- Studies show that trash near drilling rigs attracts gulls that prey on other species .
- 大多数情况下,xiximes人会捕食单独在田里干活其它部落里的人。
- Most of the time the xiximes would prey on lone men from other villages working in the fields .