- 这可不是一笔慈善性的捐款。
- This is not a charitable donation .
- 这次的熊猫捐赠是否只是噱头呢?
- Or was the panda donation a gimmick ?
- 人均捐款额为11英镑,较上一年的12英镑有所下降。
- The average donation was 11 , down from 12 the previous year .
- 什么是孩子们应当贡献出来的?
- What will be your children 's contribution ?
- 我们各人都有所要作出的贡献。
- We each have a contribution to make .
- 这种翻译服务的贡献可能是最具迷惑性。
- Contribution is perhaps the most beguiling .
- 财政资助的当前价值约62亿美元。
- The endowment is currently valued at about $ 6.2 billion .
- 这位慈善家在海牙捐助建立了和平宫,资助建立了卡耐基国际和平基金会。
- The philanthropist built a peace palace in the hague , and funded the carnegie endowment for international peace .
- 这项基金现在已有一千万美元,并且也已经在米兰和伦敦开设了相似的资助项目。
- The fund now has a $ 10 million endowment , and has launched similiar programs in milan and london .