- 情感受振动,形成一种共振。
- This emotion vibrates and becomes a vibration .
- 你的洗衣机产生的震动比家里其他任何电器都多。
- Your washing machine produces more vibration than any other appliance in the home .
- 当研究人员拉伸原子间的键时,震动频率会发生变化。
- As researchers stretch the bond , the vibration changes frequency .
- 伴随着口吃和颤抖的声音小男孩开始做起祈祷。
- With stammering lips and a shaking voice the child began to pray .
- 十人中有一人表示他们避免和人握手。
- 1 In 10 said they avoid shaking hands .
- 在美国,握手是另一种传统的问候方式。
- Shaking hands is another traditional way of greeting in america .
- 化学家们早就知道,在分子中原子以特定的取决于整体分子结构的频率振动。
- Chemists have long known that atoms in a molecule vibrate at a particular frequency , depending on their overall molecular structure .
- 他们还往机舱内输入机器噪声,震动座椅,惟妙惟肖地复制出令人不快的飞机就餐体验。
- They even pipe in engine noise and vibrate the seats to replicate a truly unpleasant airplane dining experience .
- 尽管还不完全清楚其中的原理,但是这好象跟水分子和盐分子遇到声波时的震动方式相关。
- Although the process isn 't fully understood , it seems to be related to the way water and salt molecules vibrate when encountering sound waves .