- 赚钱是每一位皆想要的,没有人想要作赔钱生意请不要听信和相信任何谣言。
- Make money is every one wanted , nobody want to do the lose money business , please do not hearing and believe any roorback .
- 哈伯德在训词中向工作人员强调,他的策略方案就是赚钱,多赚钱,利用其他人来赚钱。
- Hubbard has punctuated his policy letters to staff with exhortations to make money make more money make other people produce so as to make money .
- 我们甚至可以把华尔街的那句老话改成:牛市能赚钱,熊市能赚钱,但传统智慧却会让你惨遭宰割。
- One might even amend the old wall street saying to read : bulls make money , bears make money , but conventional wisdom gets slaughtered .