- 你从地里挖出来的?
- You dig it up right ?
- 金姆帮助里克挖墓穴。
- Kim helps rick dig the grave .
- 我挖掘出了这个特性。
- I really dig that feature .
- 波洛克毕生致力于挖掘埋葬于我们人类大脑的图像,而他的晚期作品是否正是这一意志的表现呢?
- Could pollock 's late paintings result from his lifelong effort to excavate an image buried in all of our brains ?
- 私自挖掘古文化遗址、古墓葬的,以盗窃论处。
- Those who excavate sites of ancient culture or ancient tombs without permission are punishable for larceny .
- 在摄像机所拍视频图像的指导下,尽管口很小,外科医生还是操纵长柄工具将胆囊从其邻近器官上挖出来,之后切除它。
- Guided by the resulting video feed , the surgeon wields long-handled tools to excavate the gall bladder from its neighbouring organs before removing it though the slit .
- 但在希望减肥的人们尽情享受那额外的一勺巧克力糖浆前,研究人员告诫说,这项研究并不能证明常吃巧克力与体重减轻之间存在关联。
- But before people hoping to lose weight indulge in an extra scoop of chocolate fudge swirl , the researchers caution that the study doesn 't prove a link between frequent chocolate munching and weight loss .
- 如果这是大主教的观点,那么我们手中就有一个特大独家新闻了。
- If this opinion came from the pope , then we 'd have a major scoop on our hands .
- 这个独家新闻确实很绝妙:1953年6月2日是伊丽莎白女王的加冕礼的日子。
- Its scoop was indeed a coup : june 2nd was the day of queen elizabeth 's coronation .