- 他的教鞭随着他讲话微微摇摆。
- His pointer vibrates slightly as he talks .
- 这和最后的暗示有关。
- This is related to the last pointer .
- 他们在地面上摆了一个本拉登院子的三维模型并用一个红色激光指示器标示着他们进入的行动。
- They had set up a three-dimensional model of bin laden 's compound on the floor and , waving a red laser pointer , traced their maneuvers inside .
- 我们需要一个更好的指标。
- A better indicator is needed .
- 汽车业是一项先行指标。
- The car industry is a leading indicator .
- 贸易是一个有说服力的指标。
- Trade is one telling indicator .
- 这幅图描绘了电极针正在加热周边组织。
- Drawing illustrates heat around the needle electrode .
- 产品发布活动对苹果的市场营销如此的重要以致他们真的能把指针放在公司的股价上。
- Product announcement events are so important to apple 's marketing that they can really move the needle on the company 's stock price .
- 这个问题可能导致仪表盘指针显示还有很多剩余油量的时候,汽油实际上已经用完。
- The problem could result in drivers running out of gas when the needle on the gauge indicates there is plenty remaining .
- 操作人员只需在全息图内部移动光标,即可操作机器。
- An operator can direct the robot by moving a cursor around inside the hologram .
- 在我的macbookair上,稍加练习即可完美地完成这些光标操作。
- On my macbook air , these cursor actions worked perfectly , after a bit of practice .
- 研究者们花费很大的精力研究各种方法使病人移动计算机游标或者甚至使用通过植入大脑电极控制的人工手臂。
- Researchers have made tremendous strides in developing ways for patients to move a computer cursor or even an artificial arm using electrodes implanted in the brain .
- 这时一个节点需要申请数据及两个指针(指向这节点的俩子女节点)的存储空间。
- Our node will need to reserve memory for the data and two pointers ( for pointing two childs of that node ) .
- 而java和perl之类的语言则将程序员从对内存分配和指针的担心之中解救出来。
- Languages like java and perl shield the programmer from having to worry about memory allocation and pointers .
- 在一些语言的特性中,存在可以任意存取内存的全局指针,它会产生全局的数据依赖关系。
- Certain language features , such as global pointers able to access anything in memory , would create global data dependencies .