- 国会上偶尔的争吵不和,为政坛注入活力,使之成为了亚洲最活跃的政治。
- Its politics , enlivened by occasional fisticuffs in the national assembly , are among the most vibrant in asia .
- 在西方国家,科学争议有的时候可以热火朝天,然而却难得演变成斗殴事件。
- Disputes about science in western countries can sometimes be heated . Seldom , though , do they descend into fisticuffs .
- 这个传统有点类似西方人用大蒜和十字架吓跑吸血鬼的传统。
- This tradition in many ways resemble the western faith of using garlic and crosses to fisticuffs vampires .
- 毕竟,你不可能和一个握紧的拳头握手。
- After all , you cannot shake hands with a closed fist .
- 一份新鲜水果的份量差不多是你拳头的大小。
- One serving of fresh fruit is about the size of your fist .
- 如果奥巴马没有建议用伸出的手来代替紧握的拳头呢?
- Had he not proposed to replace a clenched fist with an outstretched hand ?