- 他参与起草和传播了一份呼吁扩大民主的宣言。
- He helped draft and disseminate a manifesto calling for greater democracy .
- 自从一月以来,保守党已经起草并发布多项宣言。
- Since january they have published various chunks of a draft manifesto .
- 希腊提交了一份宏伟的2011年预算草案。
- Greece presented an ambitious draft budget for 2011 .
- 这些信息有助于两家制定详细的计划。
- This would allow them to draw up detailed plans .
- 其次,他应当起草一份婚前协议。
- Second he should draw up a pre-nuptial agreement .
- 为了筛选电话面试者,为每个面试者草拟一份表格。
- To screen callers draw up one-page form for each caller .
- 英国也必须解决一个问题,即本国想从欧盟得到什么。
- Britain too must work out what it wants from the eu .
- 新款汽车常常存在质量上的毛病,需要生产商花时间来解决。
- New cars often suffer quality glitches that auto makers try to work out over time .
- 只要算出你每天需要摄入多少大卡热量,用你以磅作单位的理想体重乘以14便可得到。
- To work out just how many calories you can eat daily multiply your ideal body weight in pounds by 14 .