- 但是,这个疫鬼最怕赤豆,于是,人们就在冬至这一天煮吃赤豆饭,用以驱避疫鬼,防灾祛病。
- However , this plague demons are most afraid of adzuki beans , so that people on the winter solstice on that day to eat beans cooked meals for the ghost repellent epidemic , disaster prevention and ward off illnesses .
- alexin来源于希腊语,意思是防御或者保护。
- Alexin is from the greek , meaning to ward off or to protect .
- 共生细菌在茧壁上分泌一种抗菌物质混和物,以抵抗因细菌引起的威胁。
- The symbiotic bacteria secrete a mixture of antimicrobial compounds on the walls of the cocoon to ward off microbial threats .
- 理论上估计小心谨慎有针对性的障碍会避开国会猛烈的贸易保护主义压力,同时会得到赞同自由贸易政治力量的支持。
- The theory presumably is that a few carefully targeted barriers will fend off more acute protectionist pressure from congress and shore up political support for free-trade deals .
- 如果萨雷先生想挡开国内风生水起的反对大潮,他迫切需新的招数。
- Mr saleh needs new ones quickly if he is to fend off the rising tide of opposition at home .
- 政府领导者也在尽力抵御这种批评。
- Government leaders tried to fend off the criticism .
- 请你站远一点好吗?
- Will you please stand off ?
- 站远些,还是多加小心为妙。
- Stand farther off and take more care .
- 那些脚踩几条船的女人一旦我们疏远她们就对我们充满怨言抱怨.
- The women who always maintain many candidates automatically complain us when we stand off them .
- 如果我们不站起来反对他们还有谁会呢?
- If we don 't stand up to them who will ?
- 价值投资者必须顶住共识的嘲笑,要做到这一点,他们得作出更多一点努力来维护自己信念的勇气。
- Value investors have to stand up to the ridicule of the consensus and that makes them work just a bit harder to justify the courage of their convictions .
- 你需要有一颗足够强硬的心经得起他们撒娇发嗲的软磨硬泡,他们会用崇拜讨喜的眼神跟你要求买一个其他人都有的ipod。
- You 've got to be strong to stand up to those sweet adoring eyes looking up at you begging for an ipod like everyone else in the first grade .
- 帕里利物浦首席里克说杜拜财团试图迫使他们接受俱乐部收购.
- Liverpool chief rick parry says the dubai consortium tried to force the club into accepting their takeover bid .
- 克林顿夫人发现这一次很难招架。
- Mrs clinton finds this hard to parry .
- 理解在线显示和搜索广告之间相互作用需要一些工具,但这些工具尚未被大范围采用,也不是大多数人能承受的,帕里先生表示。
- The tools needed to understand the interplay between online display and search advertising have yet to become widely available or affordable , says mr parry .
- 有人要为页面浏览量辩护吗?
- Anyone want to defend the pageview ?
- 你准备好为康德辩护了吗?
- Are you ready to defend kant ?
- 奥巴马内阁的官员为他们在也门取得的进展辩护。
- Obama administration officials defend their efforts in yemen .