- 这种气泡便显著地减少了水的阻力。
- This dramatically reduces water drag .
- 迷信的想法会拖得他无法翻身。
- Superstition will drag him down .
- 湍流将紧挨着球的曲面,从而减少足球的空气阻力。
- Turbulent air flow would hug the curvature of the ball , reducing drag .
- 在目前的混乱中,意外事件可以把我们拖往截然不同的方向。
- In the current turmoil , accidents can pull us in vastly different directions .
- 卖家们看到了弗兰克的枪,他们也拔出了他们自己的枪。
- The dealers see frank 's gun and pull out their own .
- 将另一双手拉进光明。
- To pull another hand into the light .
- 他坚称自己及其民主党在国会的支持者们“忙于用拖把清扫别人留下的烂摊子”,暗指他从共和党的前任总统乔治w布什那里接下一连串亟待解决的问题。
- He insisted that he and his democratic allies in congress were ' busy with a mop cleaning up somebody else 's mess , ' alluding to the litany of pressing problems he inherited from his republican predecessor george w. bush .
- 温特哈尔特先生说,在当了34年零售经理后,他的思维方式就像一位经理:“我不喜欢拖地板”,而更愿意管理别人。
- After 34 years as a retailing executive , mr. winterhalter says , he thinks like a manager : ' I don 't like to mop the floor ' but prefer to supervise others .
- 温特哈尔特夫人说,她喜欢亲力亲为,自己完成任务:“我喜欢拖地板,而且我认为我能(比许多员工)干得更好。”
- Ms. winterhalter says she likes to jump in and perform tasks herself : ' I like to mop the floor , and I think I can do a better job ' than many employees .
- 她能把独立人士吸引回来吗?
- Would she draw independents back ?
- 把你的想法画出来吧!
- Draw your thoughts of course !
- 它们会吸引别人的注意力并且经常没有机会用。
- They draw attention and often prove unnecessary .