- 而且美国人拒绝干农活儿。
- Americans refuse to do them .
- 所以我拒绝付这个电话费。
- I refuse to pay for this call .
- 但我们到达那里时,看到的却是一个垃圾场:底格里斯河畔堆满了发臭的垃圾。
- But when we got there , it was a rubbish tip : piles of stinking refuse along the tigris .
- 但被其他的党派拒绝了。
- But other parties reject this idea .
- 另一些组织会拒绝有孩子的家庭。
- Others reject families with children .
- 但对于代表们,否决一项法案将是史无前例的。
- But it would be unprecedented for delegates to reject a bill .
- 提升技术水平是抵抗这种价格竞争压力的途径之一。
- Better technology offers one way to resist the competitive pressure .
- 想挪动你的脚的欲望是否不可抵抗?
- Does your desire to move your legs feel impossible to resist ?
- 他们获得的任何自由都将立即转化为抵抗他的工具。
- Any freedom they gain would immediately become a means to resist him .
- 为何如此:许多的植物包括我上面列的单子可以发出强烈的令蚂蚁和其它野外的昆虫害怕的气味,这样可以击退它们,不过对你的家庭却无害。
- Why this works : many plants including the ones listed give off a strong scent to repel ants and other insects in the wild , and it works just as well in your home .
- 在常态下,stfs内部的粒子之间互相轻微排斥。
- Under normal circumstances , the particles in stfs repel each other slightly .
- 这种激励机制只会吸引慵懒的人加入教师队伍,而排斥掉有才智者和勤奋者。
- Such incentives attract the lazy and mediocre and repel the talented or diligent .
- 提升技术水平是抵抗这种价格竞争压力的途径之一。
- Better technology offers one way to resist the competitive pressure .
- 想挪动你的脚的欲望是否不可抵抗?
- Does your desire to move your legs feel impossible to resist ?
- 他们获得的任何自由都将立即转化为抵抗他的工具。
- Any freedom they gain would immediately become a means to resist him .
- 这次拒绝伤你很深吗?
- Did this rejection upset you a lot ?
- 被拒绝会造成怎样的不良感受?
- How bad will rejection make you feel ?
- 带着排斥希腊的紧缩计划的投票结果将可能成为希腊退场的显而易见的触发点。
- The obvious trigger for a greek exit would be an election result signalling rejection of greece 's austerity programme .