- 甚至在存钱罐上画上眼睛都能使人们更加乐于奉献。
- Even drawing eyes on the office coffee fund jar makes people more willing to contribute .
- 她的babbage/lovelace喜剧有意采用一种粗犷的绘画风格。
- Her babbage / lovelace comics use a rough drawing style intentionally .
- 一个孩童的首幅绘画通常出自他或她本人的手。
- The child 's first drawing is often of his or her own hand .
- 把拉伸运动规划进你的常规跑步计划中去。
- Build stretching into your regular running routine .
- 不妨考虑一下在你的降温运动中加入拉伸活动。
- Consider adding stretching to your cool-down session .
- 更需要把这种信任延伸到跨国跨文化领域。
- It also increasingly involves stretching that trust across borders and cultures .
- 另一项一直采用的帮助排出胎盘的建议被称为控制性脐带牵引。
- Another recommendation to help expel the placenta has been to use what is called controlled-cord traction .
- 尽管如此,这些螺还是需要在光滑平面上运动的牵引力。
- Even so , the snails need traction to move across the slippery surface .
- 大约有一半的妈妈接受了所谓的全套措施,包括控制性脐带牵引。
- About half of the mothers received a so-called full package of measures including controlled-cord traction .