- 我认为她是无辜的。
- I assume she is innocent .
- 如何使用本信息完全取决于您自己,并由您承担相应后果。
- You assume full responsibility for how you choose to use this information .
- 但是欧派会接受议会的要求来承担更多的责任。
- But even pro-europeans have embraced the court 's call to assume more responsibility .
- 但与那些未上市公司的股权一样,他们可以私下进行场外交易。
- But they could undertake private , off-exchange transactions just as with any unlisted company .
- 四大会计师事务所承担了几乎所有大企业的审计工作。
- The big four accountancy firms undertake the audits of almost all large corporations .
- 一年以后,李基博士问我是否愿意承担一项大猩猩的野外研究。
- After a year , dr. leakey asked me if I would undertake a field study of chimpanzees .
- 而谁又会承担比利时的巨额贷款呢?
- And who would take on belgium 's vast debt ?
- 纳米级别的材料呈现出极佳的属性。
- At the nanoscale materials can take on extraordinary properties .
- 他们不明白为什么仅仅是为了帮助欧盟减轻负担,土耳其就要担负起收留移民的责任。
- And they do not see why turkey should take on the burden of hosting immigrants just to help out the eu .
- 这真是他们应得的!
- These people do deserve the award !
- 他知道那不是他应得的。
- He knew he did not deserve it .
- 这是我们的人民所应得的。
- That is what our people deserve .