- 我找一个叫n.麦考密克的人。
- I 'm looking for an n. mccormick .
- 与传播广泛的hiv-1m株、以及更罕见的从人类转移至黑猩猩的n和o株不同的是,这一新发现的p株源自大猩猩。
- Unlike the widespread hiv-1 m strain , and the much rarer n and o strains , which jumped to people from chimpanzees , the newly described p strain originated in gorillas .
- 想想小写“n”中竖笔和弧线的连接部分,或是‘rn’和‘m’的区别。
- Think about the connection between the vertical stroke of the ' n ' and its curve , or the difference between ' rn ' and ' m ' .