- 一些经济学家认为全球范围内强有力的结构性改变已经推翻了旧有的经济模式,而这种模式正是建立在增长与通胀的历史联系的基础上。
- Some economists argue that powerful structural changes in the world have up ended the old economic models that were based upon the historical link between growth and inflation .
- 但是,话说回来,知道哪些专业能让你有好的工作机会则是很有用的。
- But being aware of which majors offer big job offers and which will not is useful information to have up front .
- 比如很简单的在ebay上出售产品,卖家可以选择最高100%的最终销售额捐赠给他们喜爱的非营利机构。
- By simply selling products on ebay sellers can elect to have up to 100 % of the final sales price donated to their favorite nonprofit .
- 啊,是你在挖我的坟墓吗?
- Ah , are you digging on my grave ?
- 哦,我不知道经历过地震的人的感受?
- Ah , I don 't know , for those of you who have experienced an earthquake ?
- 哦,宝贝儿,请将身体紧偎着我行吗
- Ooh , would you please lay your body next to mine , ah yeah