- 原谅是内在转化所必不可少的,而火元素可以教导你原谅,而不是紧抓住怨恨不放而让你病倒或在生活中制造悲剧。
- Forgiveness is required for internal transformation , and the element of fire can teach you to forgive rather than hold on to grudges that make you ill or create travesty in your life .
- 周四,以色列和哈马斯(hamas)在加沙地带边界地区停火,此前一天,埃及宣布已经持续八天的巴以冲突将结束,此次冲突是四年来最严重的一次。
- A cease-fire between israel and hamas took hold across the gaza strip border on thursday , the day after egypt announced a halt to eight days of israeli-palestinian bombardments , the worst fighting in four years .