- 不过,它最为直接的好处在于被指望能劝阻巴拉克61奥巴马不再恪守其竞选承诺,即不再将1915年奥斯曼帝国的亚美尼亚族裔所受大规模屠杀称为“种族灭绝”。
- The most immediate benefit , though , was meant to be dissuading barack obama from keeping his campaign promise to call the mass slaughter of ottoman armenians in 1915 " genocide " .
- 这种所谓的显见义务法是以人类自身必须面对的义务为考虑--比如说应该具有正义感、做好事、不能搞破坏、信守承诺--然后再决定怎样以道德的方式采取行动。
- The so-called prima facie duty approach takes into account the different obligations a person must face -- such as being just , doing good , not causing harm , keeping a promise -- when deciding how to act in a moral way .