- 亚裔选民会使选情摆动吗?
- Will asian voters swing the election ?
- 几个摇摆州将备受关注。
- The swing states are in play .
- 伸直双腿,哑铃向上摆动至与肩同高。
- Straighten your legs and swing the dumbbell upwards to shoulder high .
- 七个月战争造成的实体损害大多是轻微的,但构建行政能力,以及制约拿起武器并仍然在公开挥舞着它们的估计250000名民兵势力膨胀的政治手腕,尚有待时日。
- The physical damage from seven months of fighting is mostly slight , but it will take time to build the administrative capacity as well as the political skill to contain the exuberance of an estimated 250000 militiamen who took up arms , and still often brandish them in public .
- 一群学生挥舞着亮粉色的燃烧物。
- A cluster of students brandish bright pink flares .
- 朝鲜显然乐意挥舞它的核大棒。
- North korea is evidently quite happy to brandish its bombs .
- 我确信,美国能够并且一定会在这场竞争中赢得繁荣。
- I strongly believe that the united states can and will flourish from this competition .
- 随着格陵兰冰盖的渐渐消退,另有一种经济行为会兴旺起来。
- As greenland 's ice retreats , other economic activity will flourish .
- 一些观察者害怕当印度成功对付克什米尔的民族主义者,宗教团体将会兴旺发达。
- Some observers fear that as india succeeds in neutering kashmir 's nationalist politicians , religious groups will flourish .
- 为你的语言选择一个理由。
- Select your language for a reason .
- 点进你最喜欢的购物网站然后让你的孩子帮忙挑选礼物吧。
- Log onto your favorite shopping sites and let your child help you select presents .
- 下面有几个步骤可以帮助你为你的孩子挑选最好的教育方式。
- Here now are some steps on how to select the best education method for kids .