- 经理院哦浴那是气刨和抛丸区遥。
- Manager : oh ! That is gas gouging and shot blasting area .
- 该报告还提到苹果现在已对所有抛光铝产品的供方作出审计,并更彻底地落实各项预防措施。
- The report added that apple had now audited all suppliers polishing aluminum products and had put stronger precautions in place .
- 巨大的风管在每个操作台上空盘旋,但他们还是赶不上三条抛光流水线无休止的工作。
- Large air ducts hovered over each station , but they could not keep up with the three lines of machines polishing nonstop .
- 这样就需要采用金刚石的抛光机器,这种机器只有在最近的10多年来,才成为可以使用,佩舍尔说。
- That required diamond polishing machines that have only become available in the last 10 years or so , peschel says .