- 把底部的两翼向后折,让头像能够竖着站起来。
- Fold back base flaps in order to allow the icon to stand upright .
- 现在市场上最薄的屏幕可达8毫米并且可以像纸一样弯折。
- The thinnest screens now are barely 8mm thick and can fold like a piece of paper .
- 我把椅子折起来,寄存在公寓门应那儿,把盛着食物的包留给了惠特尼。
- I fold up my chair stash it in the entry to my building leave the bag of food with whitney .
- 据说这种折叠椅梯最初由美国总统本杰明.富兰克林设计。
- Folding chair ladder said to have been designed originally by benjamin franklin .
- 很多折叠式自行车都不方便携带,但是这车真的可以。
- A lot of folding bikes aren 't very portable , but this one really is .
- 在居室里面,年轻的城市上班族们坐在沙发或者折叠椅上。
- Inside , young urban professionals sit on sofas and folding chairs .
- 当你有5分钟的空闲时间,那么应该选择不需要这么多时间的任务,例如上紧门间的铰链或者把箱子搬到储物室中。
- When you have a spare 5 minutes choose a task that doesn 't require a whole lot of time such as tightening a door hinge or taking a box out to the garage .
- 一些专家预计,奥巴马和许多议员要想获得连任,汽油价格也是关键因素,其重要性不输于就业政策,甚至更甚。
- Some pundits reckon the re-election prospects of mr obama and many members of congress hinge on the pump price , as much or more than they do on the unemployment rate .
- 为了能减震和增添稳定性,他还在鞋子中设计添加了碳纤维震动吸收材料,是在前脚处提供脚趾灵活度的铰链状设计。
- He engineered carbon fiber shock absorbers into his shoe to give it cushioning and stability in one mechanism . A hinge in the forefoot provided flexibility .