- 泰瑟枪用爆裂的高压电使人失去能力,警察得以制服人们又不会造成永久伤害。
- Tasers disable people with bursts of high-voltage electricity , allowing police to subdue them without lasting injury .
- 万幸的是,它并不打算制服人类,而是准许其更好地管理周围环境。
- Fortunately , it is not intended to subdue humans , but to allow them to control their environments better .
- 他们称,不得已之下只能用武力制服了他,因此他们的行为符合《刑事罪行法》(crimesact)。
- They said they only used reasonable force to subdue him and that their actions were in compliance with the crimes act .