- 今年市防汛防旱指挥部已对全市重点堤防、涵闸、水库、泵站和防汛物资仓储等进行抽查,发现了一些问题。
- Flood control and drought prevention headquarters city this year has been focused on the city 's dikes , culvert gate , reservoirs , pumping stations and flood control storage and other materials to conduct random checks and found some problems .
- 报道来援引了国家防汛抗旱总指挥部的数据加以说明。
- The report cited data from the state flood control and drought relief headquarters .
- 国家防总办公室预计,今天晚上,九江、湖口水文站将全部退出警戒水位。
- The state flood control and drought relief headquaters office expects that the water level at jiujiang and hukou hydrometric station will both ebb from the warning water level tonight .
- 从下午早些时候持续至傍晚时分的对峙发生了一段小插曲,十余位穆巴拉克支持者骑马和骆驼失策地冲进反穆巴拉克的人群中。
- In one episode of a battle that lasted from the early afternoon into the evening , a dozen horse and camel riders made the mistake of charging into the anti mubarak crowd .
- 兔抗人促甲状腺激素。
- Rabbit anti human thyroid stimulating hormone .
- 抗利尿激素分泌不当综合征。
- Syndrome of inappropriate anti diuretic hormone secretion .