- 什么样的民选领导人能够放弃这类主权?
- What elected leader can surrender such sovereignty ?
- 它也不会作出正式的投降。
- It is not going formally to surrender .
- 整个投降演说就是一场精心策划的表演。
- The surrender speech was a delicate act .
- 政府的让步是明智的。
- The government was wise to capitulate .
- 交易员表示,本轮反弹正迫使一些曾押注金属价格会因库存量大而下跌的逆市投资者投降。
- The rally is forcing some contrarian investors , who bet on a price fall due to large inventories , to capitulate , traders said .
- 因此,防御者注定会缴械投降,其顽固的抵抗只会为狡猾的商人创造谋利机会。
- The citadel , therefore , is doomed to capitulate and its stubborn resistance merely serves to create profit opportunities for astute traders .