- 有自控的人能约束自己的反应。
- People with self-control restrain their reactions .
- 政府需要找到能约束金融市场、又不至于羁绊金融市场的方法。
- Governments need to find a way to restrain financial markets without shackling them .
- 每个人都在时时约束自己,为什么我们不能集体约束自己?
- Individuals restrain themselves all the time ; why can 't we do it collectively ?
- 随后他就填写了支票单。
- Then he wrote the check .
- 我能不能在这兑支票?
- Can I cash a check here ?
- 拿到了我那本书的第一张版税支票!
- Got my first royalty check for my book !
- 你打算炸开这道门?用压制火力让我们冲出去,通过那个秘密的卸河槽?
- You gonna blow up this door ? Lay down supression fire so that we could rush out through the hidden escape passage ?
- 健全惩治贪污贿赂犯罪的法律制度。
- Prefecting laws and regulations for supression of crimes of embezzlement and bribery .
- 临汾的当地居民说,到了晚上,煤尘让他们几乎窒息。
- At linfen , residents have said they literally choke on coal dust in the evenings .
- 如果任其不受约束,它们的规模和速度可被用来窒息竞争。
- Their size and speed can , if left unchecked , be used to choke off competition .
- 但是,这笔交易表明,毒性一度使全球经济窒息的美国房地产业再度对投资者变得有吸引力起来。
- But the sale shows that american housing , once so toxic it made the global economy choke , is once again attractive to investors .