- 我知道该如何应付压力。
- I know how to handle stress .
- 某些州处理方式有所不同。
- Some states handle it differently .
- 最伟大的领导人是那些能够以冷静和镇定应付压力局面的人。
- The greatest leaders are those who can handle a pressure situation by remaining calm and collected .
- 一只手转动门把手。
- A single hand turns a knob .
- 后面一个旋钮没用。
- The rear knob has no function .
- 年轻的陌生人斯特文斯注意到了前门的把手上栓了样黑色的东西。
- Steavens the young stranger noticed that something black was tied to the knob of the front door .
- 阿萨德的控制力愈显疲弱。
- Mr assad 's grip looks increasingly weak .
- 波音和空客或许要失去其对市场牢牢的控制。
- Boeing and airbus could lose their tight grip .
- 我不知道为什么上帝不把凯利从山的冰冷的禁锢中解救出来。
- I don 't know why god did not rescue kelly from the cold grip of the mountain .
- 在香奈尔之前,世界最长寿犬纪录的保持者是一只28岁的、名叫布奇的狗,它于2003年去世。
- Chanel became the world 's oldest dog following the death of butch , the 28-year-old former record holder , in 2003 .
- 刘翔今年29岁,预计在这里将与梅里特和古巴的世界记录保持者戴龙罗伯斯(dayronrobles)争夺金牌他也通过了周二的预赛。
- Liu , 29 , was expected to contend for gold here with merritt and the world-record holder dayron robles of cuba , who also advanced out of his preliminary heat on tuesday .
- 如果持有人失去了利息,这样就不会有大的交易。
- If the holder loses the interest , it 's no big deal .