- 损失该由谁来承担?
- Who should bear the losses ?
- 我是你内心的北极熊。
- I am your inner polar bear .
- 为什么这些债权人就不该承担损失呢?
- Why shouldn 't the creditors bear the losses ?
- 但与那些未上市公司的股权一样,他们可以私下进行场外交易。
- But they could undertake private , off-exchange transactions just as with any unlisted company .
- 四大会计师事务所承担了几乎所有大企业的审计工作。
- The big four accountancy firms undertake the audits of almost all large corporations .
- 一年以后,李基博士问我是否愿意承担一项大猩猩的野外研究。
- After a year , dr. leakey asked me if I would undertake a field study of chimpanzees .
- 你必须把它们带到户外。
- You have to carry them outside .
- 我们应该带什么去格利泽581?
- What should we carry to gliese 581 ?
- 并非所有的蚊子都携带有疟疾病毒。
- Not all mosquitoes carry malaria .
- 外国人已持有美国国家债务的一半。
- Foreigners already hold half the national debt .
- 把它举在你朋友的头顶上面。
- Hold it over your friend 's head .
- 但是我找不到一把称手的刀。
- But I can 't find a knife I like to hold .