- 第三十三条准予制造、修理计量器具许可的质监部门应当及时公告许可核准、变更、注销等有关情况,并将有关情况逐级上报省级质监部门。
- Article 33 the quality and technical supervision department granting the licensing for manufacturing or repairing measuring instruments shall make public announcements on the approval , change or writing-off of the licensing betimes , and report the relevant situation to the provincial quality and technical supervision department level by level .
- 油箱上应连接一个储油柜或漏斗,用以使油箱中的油面达至足以使安装其上的套管内腔充满油的水平。
- The tank shall be connected to a storage cabinet or funnel , used to make the oil tank in the face to make installation on the casing cavity filled with oil level .
- 这将使美国的年度国内开支降至自艾森豪威尔总统以来的最低水平,但是在这个开支水平我们还能投资诸如教育和研究等领域来创造就业机会。
- The result would be the lowest level of annual domestic spending since dwight eisenhower was president but at a level that still allows us to make job-creating investments in things like education and research .
- 在有关福利政策的辩论中,正是他演讲中的自由民主的思想与具有“社会主义”因素的福利相抗衡.
- It was the voice of a liberal firebrand that came through in his screed against the " socialist traits " of germany 's welfare debate .
- 布雷维克长名单上提到的团体争相对他发动的袭击事件表示谴责,并否认与他有任何联系。
- Groups cited in mr breivik 's screed rushed to condemn the attacks and disavow any links to him .
- 很多人都误认为他写了这篇文章,这是因为鲁尼长期以来的写作和谈话习惯,总是直截了当地探讨敏感话题,这也使得他容易受到激进主义团体的攻击。
- Many assumed he wrote the screed because rooney 's longtime habit of writing or speaking plainly on sensitive topics had left him open to attacks in the past by activist groups .