- 曾祖母是个妓女?
- Gam gam a whore ?
- 甘碰到他可不是件好事。
- Gam can 't be happy confronting him .
- 并且,今晚他两次面对甘。
- Furthermore , he has two hits against gam tonight .
- 在他的网站演绎科学上联系他
- Contact him on his website the science of deduction
- 去他的网站演绎科学看看他的脑子是怎么运转的把。
- Go to his site , the science of deduction and see for yourself how his mind works .
- 夏洛克福尔摩斯在演绎法上的卓越天赋早已被阿瑟柯南道尔淋漓尽致地展现出来了。
- Sherlock holmes 's extraordinary talent for deduction has been well documented by arthur conan doyle .
- 请分别用一个词告诉我你最突出的三个优点和一个缺点好吗?
- Could you tell me your three most outstanding merits and one demerit respectively by one word ?
- 合营公司有权对违犯合营公司的规章制度和劳动纪律的职工,给予警告、记过、降薪的处分。
- The joint venture company has the right to give warning , record a demerit and reduce salary against those staff and workers who violate the rules and regulations and labor disciplines of the joint venture company .
- 前项处分,处申诫三次相当记过一次;记过三次者,收回船员服务手册三个月。
- For the punishment provided by the previous paragraph , three reprimands are equal to one demerit , while three demerits have been given , the seafarer service book shall be withdrawn for three months .