- 新闻博物馆选取了60件联邦调查局收藏的用于恐怖事件审判的证据,其中包括撞击世贸大厦后残留的大块飞机碎片。
- The newseum selected 60 pieces of evidence the fbi had in storage for use in terror trials , including huge pieces of an airplane that survived ramming into the world trade center towers .
- 这是因为女王陛下并没有花上数十亿英镑反复向我们灌输她的头像。
- That 's because hm isn 't spending billions ramming the image down our throats .
- 他们正以每小时80英里的速度骑着摩托车在高速公路上疾驶.
- They are ramming their motorcycles on the expressway at 80 miles per hour .