- 工匠致力于论文,这样的描绘是错误的。
- The craftsman is dedicated to the thesis that this picture of making is mistaken .
- 有些很别致,例如由一位传统皮革工匠制作的作品,还有的是惊悚风格,例如一位特效化妆师的作品。
- Others are chic , like one made by a traditional leather craftsman , or scary , like one by a special-effects makeup artist .
- 至少维修过程非常耗时且昂贵,因为枪支必须交给一个手艺人才能进行修理。
- At the very least , the process was time consuming and expensive , as the gun had to be brought to a craftsman and repaired to order .
- 宗子的权力也遭到削弱,出现了士、农民、手工业者的流动。
- The powers of son also in now encounter to weaken , have arisenscholar , peasant and handicraftsman flow .
- 宝鸡手工剪纸,鳞介系列,双龙戏珠,手工艺人创作。
- China baoji folk handicraft , papercut , aquatic animals series , dragons in pursuit of pearls , handicraftsman created .
- 不管是士、还是农民、手工业者,他们到处流动,寻找着更好的发展。
- No matter being scholar , is still peasant and handicraftsman , they flow to everywhere , seek for better development .
- 事实上,该家族依赖技艺高超的工匠的专业技能,他们利用羊肠和猪肠来制作琴弦。
- Instead , the family relied on the expertise of highly-skilled craftsmen using sheep and pig gut for their strings .
- 那些日本工匠是何等聪明,他们在14世纪前就考虑到了这一切。
- How clever of those japanese craftsmen to figure it all out 14 centuries ago .
- 他用数字技术做实验,把材料用到极致,考研工匠们的工艺,还小心翼翼遮掩痕迹不让别人看出这些加工。
- He experiments with digital technologies , pushing materials to their limits and testing craftsmen 's skills , while taking care to hide the evidence of these processes .