- 为了促进双方妥协,国会只好在自己脑门上安了一把手枪。
- To encourage compromise , congress has pointed a pistol at its own head .
- 她靠两样东西维持着这样的生活:她身旁的手枪和她对上帝的信仰。
- Two things sustained her : the pistol at her side and her faith in god .
- 名单上最亮的恒星是手枪星,它的绝对星等是-14.2。
- The brightest on the list is the pistol star with an absolute magnitude of - 14.2 .
- 这些物体包括一把填缝枪、一把电钻、一把手锯还有一把点四五口径手枪。
- Objects included a caulking gun , a power drill , a handsaw or a 0.45 calibre handgun .
- 警方从车里找到一只非法手枪,起初让人怀疑杜干是否向其中一名警官开了火。
- Police recovered an illegal handgun from the car , initially raising questions about whether mr. duggan had fired on one of the officers .
- www.maximonline.ru网站刊登的一张照片显示,红发披肩的查普曼身穿吊带裤袜和蕾丝内衣,还举着把手枪。
- A photograph on www.maximonline.ru shows red-haired chapman dressed in nylon and lace and posing with a handgun .
- 在男子10米气步枪罗马尼亚射手的alingeorgemoldoveanu赢得了他的国家的首金后与niccolocampriani厮打,其中两人在排位赛有同等的奥运会纪录。
- Romanian shooter alin george moldoveanu won his country 's first gold in the men 's 10m air rifle after a titanic tussle with niccolo campriani in which both men had equalled the olympic record in qualifying .
- 突击步枪共有的特点是,分配器手柄可以让射手在全自动(连续发射)和半自动(单发发射)之间进行选择。
- Characteristic of all assault rifles , a selector level allows the shooter to choose between automatic ( continuous firing ) and semi-automatic ( single-shot firing ) .
- 雅辛托斯是斯巴达王的小儿子,其美貌堪比奥林匹斯山上的女神,为射手阿波罗所钟爱。
- Hyacinthus , the young son of the king of sparta , beautiful like the very gods of mount olympus , was beloved of apollo , shooter of arrows .