- 他的随从包括年轻女性,她们名义上被叫做“信使”,她们既为他点烟又为他接灰。
- His retinue includes young women known officially as " messengers " who light his ever-present cigarettes and catch the ashes .
- 反对派在的黎波里的积极分子说,为躲避北约的暗杀行动,卡扎菲每天晚上都带着一小群随从人员在的黎波里的医院、教堂和博物馆之间穿梭往返。
- Opposition activists in tripoli say col. gadhafi each night shuttles among the capital 's hospitals , churches and museums with a small retinue , in order to avoid nato assassination attempts .
- 于是,就有了没完没了的唐宁街上的“峰会”,以及戈登布朗本周在这一区域的巡游,带着他的内阁,象都德君王的随从一样。
- Thus the perpetual economic " summits " in downing street , and gordon brown 's progress through the regions this week , with his cabinet in tow like the retinue of a tudor monarch .
- 吴毫无疑问是华西村的最大的动力。
- Wu is undoubtedly huaxi 's greatest draw .
- 吴拥有三枚金牌,一枚银牌和一枚铜牌。
- Wu has three golds , one silver and one bronze .
- 吴脸色发黑之后被送往医院治疗,该报纸称。
- Wu was hospitalized after his face turned black , the paper said .