- 这是因为联邦政府将小型巴士认定为与汽车或轻型货车为一类,联邦法律规定这些车辆必须配备安全带。
- That 's because federal government views smaller buses as similar to automobiles or light trucks , and federal law requires those vehicles to have seat belts .
- 虽然这两派在大多数执政方针上持相同意见,但他们互为党内领导人的竞争对手。
- While the two groups have largely similar policy views , they are rivals for leadership within the party .
- 早在罗姆尼(mittromney)于大庭广众之下公然侮辱47%的美国人之前,在各色人等云集荟萃的香港,其精英阶层也对辛勤劳动的底层香港人发表过类似观点说这些人无权选举香港特首(实际上就是市长)。
- Long before mitt romney was caught on camera dissing 47 per cent of the us population , the elite in hong kong of all nationalities were expressing similar views about the city 's very hard-working poor none of whom , conveniently , have the right to vote for the de facto mayor of the city .