- 由于独生子女政策以及对男孩的普遍偏好,而将女性胎儿选择性堕胎的做法,产生了一个反常的现象工厂中的女工越来越少。
- Selective female foetus abortions because of a one-child policy and preference for boys has also created the perverse effect of fewer women working in factories .
- 由于萨达姆先生邪恶的明星魅力,瑟苏尔先生的外套至今仍在伊拉克和中东其他地区畅销。
- Mr. cesur 's sales skyrocketed in iraq and other parts of the middle east , his suits now having mr. hussein 's perverse star power behind them .
- 而这只是因为当时倔强的苏格兰足协官员认为只要他们的球队赢得英国冠军锦标,就由他们赴巴西出战。
- That was the occasion when the deeply perverse scottish fa officials decided that their team would go to brazil only if they actually won the british championship .
- 类似的在任何一个独裁制度下,权力的拥有者因为从权力那里得到的快乐体验而变得越发暴君似的。
- Similarly in any autocratic regime the holders of power become increasingly tyrannical with experience of the delights that power can afford .
- 托马斯杰斐逊(thomasjefferson)说得好:“强迫一个人出资协助传播他不信仰,并且憎恶的观点,是罪孽深重的,是残暴专横的”。
- Thomas jefferson put it best : " to compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical . "
- 从积极的方面来说,他们彻底结束了萨达姆的暴虐统治。
- On the positive side , they conclusively ended the tyrannical rule of saddam hussein .
- 不合理的决定应该让位给更好的提议。
- Unreasonable judgments should be subject to swift appeal .
- 在我看来,这没什么不合理的。
- This doesn 't seem unreasonable to me .
- 它们只是变得不像以前那么不合理了。
- They have merely become less unreasonable .
- 有些悲观主义者认为这只会招来羞辱。
- Some pessimist think that this can only lead to humiliation .
- 但是带来的耻辱并不是这个计划的一部分。
- But their own ritual humiliation was not part of the plan .
- 几天前,新德里似乎在朝着耻辱的方向发展。
- Days before , delhi seemed to be heading towards humiliation .
- 上帝从我们身上移除罪恶。
- God removes our sin from us .
- 我们忽视了他对罪恶的憎恶。
- We have disregarded his hatred for sin .
- 英国航空公司上月推出了去往罪恶之城的新航线。
- British airways launched a new route to sin city last month .
- 他们需要的是有回报的投资。
- They expect a return on investment .
- 然而科林再也没有回来。
- But colin never did return .
- 这还不算宇航员返回地球的时间。
- Astronauts would want a return trip .