- 最后提出了在发挥其基本职能的基础上最大程度地降低外汇储备规模要求的五种途径。
- Finally , the article raises 5 approaches that abase the demand of foreign exchange reserve scale on the basis of taking advantage of its utilization .
- 第二十七条银监会将建立大额集团客户授信业务统计和风险分析制度,并视个别集团客户风险状况进行通报。
- Article 27 china banking regulatory commission shall establish a system on statistics of granting credit to large-scale customer groups and on risk analysis , and shall circularize the relevant information on the basis of the risk status of exceptional customer groups .
- 本文在界定生态贫困内涵的基础上,对我国农村生态贫困的规模作了粗略的估计,并对我国农村生态贫困的特征、形成机理和治理对策进行了分析。
- On the basis of defining ecological poverty , the author estimates the scale of the ecological poverty in chinese countryside and analyses the characteristics , mechanisms of formation of the ecological poverty in chinese countryside and proposes resolvable measures .