- 格式之战终于完结。
- The format war is over .
- 他已扬言要打持久战。
- He has promised a long war .
- 但贸易战并非解决之道。
- But trade war is not the solution .
- 我认为琼斯把握丛林战非常到位。
- I think jones captured jungle warfare brilliantly .
- 卫星是现代战争的关键。
- Satellites are crucial to modern warfare .
- 现代机械战争离不开石油。
- Modern mechanized warfare runs on oil .
- 这场艾滋病之战并未取胜。
- The battle has not yet been won .
- 这将依旧是一场攻坚战。
- It will still be an uphill battle .
- 技术匮乏引发了一场人才争夺战。
- Skills shortages spur a battle for brains .