- 这些来自欧元区救助工具的资金将贷给西班牙政府,而西班牙政府将入股该国那些陷入困境的银行,向其提供现金或债券。
- Those funds , coming from the bloc 's bailout vehicles , would be lent to spain , which would take stakes in troubled banks in return for cash or bonds .
- 倘若北岩银行贷款质量与审计机构和英国金融服务管理局(financialservicesauthority)认为的一样优质,政府应能收回贷给北岩银行的所有资金。
- Provided its quality is as good as the auditors and the financial services authority have suggested , the government should get back all the money it has lent to the bank .
- 在1860年代,谷仓老板们曾伪造了虚假的仓库单据,把它们贷给芝加哥小麦期货市场上的投机商人,从而导致了小麦价格的混乱和小麦市场的崩盘。
- Grain elevators issued fake warehouse receipts in grain during the 1860s , lent them to speculators in the chicago wheat market , and caused dislocations in wheat prices and bankruptcies in the wheat market .
- 通胀就是令人担心(或至少是警觉)的一个理由。
- One cause for concern , or at least vigilance , is inflation .
- 美国大使馆在利比亚、也门、和埃及遭到猛烈攻击后,这次突来的事件使美国外交官提高了警觉。
- The incident comes amid heightened vigilance for american diplomats following violent attacks on u. s.embassies in libya , yemen and egypt .
- 6月份,联合国将3家irisl公司列入制裁名单,并呼吁对伊朗船运保持更广泛的额外警觉。
- In june , the un named three irisl companies for sanctions , and called for additional vigilance of iranian shipping more generally .