- 细胞会逐渐成熟并大量繁殖。
- The cells then mature and multiply .
- facebook的模式要成熟得多。
- Facebook 's is much more mature .
- 这是两门古老、成熟的科学。
- These are both old , mature sciences .
- 林的成熟可能会导致他成为神职人员。
- Lin 's maturity could lead him to the ministry .
- 所有贷款都是持有至到期的。
- All loans are held to maturity .
- 真正的成熟只能在人际关系中表现出来。
- Real maturity shows up in relationships .
- 20世纪60年代,他划分了人类卵子体外成熟过程和在什么方式下,各种和二门才会影响这个过程。
- During the 1960s he clarified the maturation process of human eggs outside the body and in what way various hormones affect this process .
- 但是假如以越南为例,我们在那里已经22年了,你就能够真切地看到慈善业成熟的过程。
- But if you take vietnam , where we 've been for 22 years , you can really see the maturation of that process .
- 爱情也如人生一般会经历初生成长成熟等过程。
- Love is like life generally experience growth maturation process of birth .
- 重整美国大学的时机已然成熟了。
- American universities are ripe for shaking .
- 这个国家革命的条件还并未成熟。
- This country was not ripe for revolution .
- 其他行业接受类似待遇的时机已经成熟。
- Other industries are ripe for similar treatment .